
Delivering Custom Solutions
Tailored to Your Needs

Hi! I'm Nisar, a Full Stack Developer based in Pakistan

I prioritize client collaboration, fostering open communication
I'm very flexible with time zone communications
The Inside Scoop
Tech enthusiast with a passion for development.
I constantly try to improve
My tech stack
MongoDBNext JsPostgres
Do you want to start a project together?

Few of my recent projects

Real Time Chat Application

This real-time chat application features like user registration and profile image uploads. It integrates with Cloudinary for image storage and Socket.io for real-time messaging.

Task Manager App

Developed a React-based to-do app integrated with Contentful for managing tasks and sort them into Todays and Upcomming tasks. With simple and responsive UI


A practice project developed through the official Next.js course, implementing pure Next.js concepts such as static and dynamic rendering, suspense, user authentication and PostgreSQL database

Portfolio Project

A static SPA Next.js application featuring modern and animated components to enhance online presence, utilizing the Framer Motion UI library (Aceternity) for a unique and modern design

My services

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Frontend development
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Backend development
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Responsive Design
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Database Management